Saturday, May 19, 2012

It's Coding Time!

12:38 PM Sunday, May 20, 2012

10 hours ago I finished creating the standard forms for the system, now it's time to implement them. The specific entry screens that I'll create will include:

1. Authorized Users Entry
2. Chart of accounts
3. Subsidiary accounts entry (for defining customers, suppliers, employees, others)
4. Transaction entry

The transaction entry screen will accept 6 different types of transactions that includes:

1. Suppliers invoice
2. Check Voucher
3. Sales Invoice
4. Cash Receipts
5. Debit/Credit Memo
6. Journal Voucher

For full-blown accounting systems, these transactions will be booked using different entry screens and will have more fields to accept the form information from the different types of transactions. However, since I am creating a simplified accounting system. I will only create a single transaction entry form and will just add a dropdown box where the users can choose the type of transaction they will book in the system.

For small businesses, this is alright but for bigger, more complicated business processes with multiple people in their accounting department this won't work well because in large corporations you usually have different accountants handling the different aspects of the accounting process and these accountants are not given blanket authority on all business transactions. In large corporations you have accountants handling the payables, another accountant handling the receivables, the treasury department handling issuance of official receipts and a general accountant. That's aside from the accounting manager and the VP-finance who have blanket authority over all accounting processes.

For companies that fit the above description, the accounting system should have different layers of access security and unlike our simple accounting software, the tool for big companies should control access to data (suppliers invoice, check vouchers, sales invoice, cash receipts) based on the authority level of the accountant.

For my simple accounting, this will not be the case. Every user that logs into the software will see everything. The only thing they cannot do is add new users unless they are given administrative rights.

Ok, now that the plan is laid out and the boundaries are set...It's Coding Time!

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